தமிழ்நாடு சீருடைப்பணியாளர் தேர்வுக்குழுமம்
Job Location: Tamilnadu , தமிழ்நாடு
Last date for Submission of Application: 22.02.2017 (கடைசி நாள் )
Name of the Post & No of Vacancies:
(இரண்டாம் நிலைக் காவலர் )
1. Police Constable Grade II Special Force (Male) - 4569
2. Police Constable Grade II Special Force (Female) - 46
3. Police Constable Grade II Armed Force (Male) - 4627
4. Police Constable Grade II Armed Force (Female) - 3941
(இரண்டாம் நிலை சிறைக் காவலர் )
5. Prison Department Jail Warder Grade II (Male) - 976
6. Prison Department Jail Warder Grade II (Female) - 40
(தீயனைப்போர் )
7. Fire Services Department (Male) Fireman Grade II - 1512
Educational Qualification:
Candidates who have completed 10th or equivalent from a recognized Institute are Eligible to apply TNUSRB Recruitment 2017
Age Limit:
Candidate’s Age Limit Should be between
(For OC Candidates - 18 to 24 Years),
(For BC/MBC/DC Candidates 18 to 26 Years),
(For SC/ST Candidates - 18 to 29 Years),
(For Ex-Serviceman Candidates - 18 to 45 Years.
Candidates Relaxation in Upper Age limit will be provided as per Govt. Rules. Go through TNUSRB official Notification 2017 for more reference
Pay Scale: Rs.5400 - 20200/- with Grade Pay Rs.1900/-
Selection Procedure: Written Exam, PFT, Interview
Application Fee:
TNUSRB Application Form available in 284 Post Offices in Tamil Nadu
தபால் நிலையங்களில் விண்ணப்பங்கள் கிடைக்கும்.
For Application Fee is - Rs.30/-
For Exam Fee is - Rs.135/-
Candidates satisfying the above eligibility conditions Use Following Procedure Given Below to Apply Offline:
1. Go to TNUSRB careers page at www.tnusrb.tn.gov.in
2. Read the Advertisement carefully to be sure about your eligibility
3. Eligible Candidates Get the TNUSRB Application Form available in 284 Post Offices in Tamilnadu
4. Candidates should read all instructions given in Advertisement & Application
5. Fill required details and Make Payments
6. Hard copy of duly filled and signed application along with the photocopies of
(i) ID proof
(ii) Proof of Date of Birth
(iii) Educational Certificates: Mark-Sheets/Degree Certificate
(iv) Caste
(v) e-Receipt for fee payment as applicable and attested copies of relevant documents should be addressed to
“(Address Mentioned in Official Notification)”
by post so as to reach us by 22.02.2017. Envelope must be super-scribed with “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF “…………….”
Last date for Submission of Application:(கடைசி நாள் ) 22.02.2017
Date of Written Examination: (எழுத்துத் தேர்வு ) 21.05.2017
TNUSRB Constable, Jail Warders, Firemen Official Notification PDF:
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